Sunday, July 12, 2015

Turning the Page

This Friday, we turn the page and embark on chapter three of our family's story, as we move from Smack-Dab, Midwest to Virginia's northern Shenandoah Valley.  It should be noted that after years of being the cliche'd "big fish in a small pond" here in Ohio, we are moving to an area where we quite literally know no one.  That's no one to use for emergency contacts for the kids' school paperwork, no one to hire to keep an eye on the girls for a few hours while we catch something more than a PG movie, no one.  NO. ONE.  Yeesh. Scary.

After having served the last two years as the President of a women's nonprofit, and 3 years prior on the Exec. Board,, and having several months ago resigned a dream job on principle (crushing!), I am welcoming the change and adventure a move to VA will bring.

I have always been told that I'm "funny" and have a great sense of humor, so I'm hoping to use this forum to share our trials and tribulations as we dive in to the next part of our lives.  I'm a little scattered (perhaps undiagnosed ADD, definitely diagnosed OCD), so I imagine I will be posting about topics from A-Z:  home decor, baking, crafting, parenting, weight loss, and because I wouldn't be "me" without it, lots of just plain snark.
